Editorial Team


Dr. Perdana Wahyu Santosa imgbox image host image host- YARSI University, Indonesia

Managing Editor

Harry Budiantoro, MAcc., CA. imgbox image host  - YARSI University, Indonesia


Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Hermanto Siregar imgbox imgbox imgbox  IPB University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Zurinawati Mohi  imgbox imgbox  - Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Dermawan Wibisono imgbox imgbox imgbox  - Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Roy Sembel imgbox imgbox image host - IPMI Business School, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ujang Sumarwan imgbox imgbox imgbox - IPB University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. M. Nadratuzzaman Hosen imgbox imgbox imgbox - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Indonesia

Dr. Nuryasman MN imgbox imgbox imgbox  - Tarumanagara University, Indonesia

Dr. Indra Gunawan - BPKH Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia


Section Editor

Pramesti Wulandari Santoso  imgbox  - SBM Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Hestin Agus Tantri, MAcc. imgbox  - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Kusuma Negara, Indonesia

Kanaya Lapae  imgbox  - YARSI University, Jakarta, Indonesia