Identify Attributes of Service Quality Factors and Other Factors Affecting Calla SPA Customer Satisfaction Nguyễn Văn Nhân1*, Hồng Thị Thu Trang2, Trần Thị Thúy Vân3 ...
Formulation of Risk Management Strategy for Sharia Mortgage Products during the Covid-19 Pandemic Siti Suherni1, Isfandayani2, Purnama Putra3* 1,2,3 Faculty of Islamic Religion, Universitas 45 ...
Community Empowerment in Stunting Prevention through Smart Parenting Putri Salsabila Suryani1*, Siti Nurhidayah2, Hasan Basri3, Puput Putrianika5 1.3 Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas ...