Informatics and Software Engineering
Website UI/UX Analysis and Redesign using Usability Testing Methods
Muhammad Suryanata Fauzan1*, Rusdiansyah2
1.2 Teknik Informatika, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta
Usability has 5 quality dependent variables, namely learnability, efficiency, memorability, error, and satisfaction. With usability testing, it will be assessed whether the user interface and user experience of the website are ready to be implemented or not. One application that can be used is Figma, which is a web-based application. In this study using qualitative research with validation tests, reliability tests, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This qualitative research is supported by the usability testing method as a system development model. This usability testing method is used to find out how easy it is to learn about the website to support the company profile, the ease of use of the website, user/customer satisfaction, and the efficiency of the Dwisetia Garuda Metalindo Sejahtera company website. Usability comes from English, namely usable which refersto the ability to use well. This study tested the validity by calculating the relationship between scores using the SPSS program. In this study, the number of respondents consisting of three categories of respondents namely employees, customers, and the general public was 51 respondents. The data was taken using a questionnaire/questionnaire which was distributed directly via the questionnaire/questionnaire link. Based on the research, it can be concluded from the redesigning of Dwisetia Garuda Metalindo Sejahtera’s company website as a support for the company profile.Keywords:User Interface, User Experience, Figma, Website Analysis, Website Redesign, Usability Testing, SPSS.
Keywords:User Interface, User Experience, Figma, Website Analysis, Website Redesign, Usability Testing, SPSS
How to cite: Suryanata, F., & Rusdiansyah. Website UI/UX Analysis and Redesign using Usability Testing Methods.Informatics and Software Engineering,2(1).
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